
Sylvia Hubbard

The Cliffhanger Queen

Sylvia Hubbard has independently published over 28 books in the genre of suspense-romance, is the founder of Motown Writers Network and The AA Electronic Literary Network, CEO of HubBooks Literary Services, runs over five blogs on a variety of subjects, host The Michigan Literary Radio Show and is a happily divorced mother of three children in Detroit, Michigan.

Considered an addicted blogger by, nominated and recognized for her literary work in the Metro Detroit area, referred to as “A Literary Diva” by Detroit City Council and donned “Cliffhanger Queen” by her readers, she finds solace in speaking and educating on a variety of topics. Find us on FacebookFollow us on TwitterView our profile on LinkedInView our videos on YouTube

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Phette Ogburn

The Seductress

Phette (fee~ETT) Ogburn is not only a wife, mom, natural hair enthusiast, and DIY’er, she’s also an author and scriptwriter.  When she’s not learning something by Googling it or watching reality shows, she’s penning steamy Erotic~Romance stories centered around women, relationships, & sexuality. Two stories from her book of short stories IT CAN HAPPEN TO YOU have been optioned for films. To find out more about Phette go to:

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