Author Archives: phettehollins

My Writing Process @phettehollins | #3dchicks


Notebooks Galore

Creativity hits me several times a day. I can see something while I’m out and about, overhear a conversation, or be involved in a conversation, hear a funny line & say “I’ma put that in my script.” I say that a lot.

When this happens and if I’m away from home, I write a note in my Memo app or in Evernote. If I am home, I decide if the “idea” already has its own notebook. If it does, I write it in there. If not, I break the idea down even more. If the idea needs its own notebook, I designate one.

I have notebooks for everythang. I have one that’s primarily for my brand. I have one where I outline blog posts, jot down ideas in a hurry; it’s a catch all book, and also the book I used to outline this post. 🙂

Other than that, each project has its own notebook.


Once it’s in the notebook, then I brainstorm, free-write whatever comes to mind, organically & naturally, about the characters, the story, or whatever. I do this for as long as the creativity flows. And when it’s done, it’s done. I absolutely do not force it. I step away for a day or so and re-visit, if necessary.


Next, I look to see if there’s enough information for a story…which there usually is. To rephrase, the real question is: What type of story does the information yield? A short story, a novel, novella, a series? You can always add, takeaway, or do whatever your heart desires. That’s the beauty of writing and story telling. When there’s a will, there’s a medium. 🙂

A Beginning, Middle, and an End


This is an example of how I separate my story. This one is blank because, it just so happens that, this particular story came to me so quickly that I actually wrote the entire story in a day. No outline. No nothing.

From here, I just write the story to the end, without looking back until I’m ready to edit. I do not edit as I go. I repeat, DO NOT EDIT AS YOU GO! It drastically slows down the process. Took me 2 years to write my second book, because I was obsessing over stuff. Just write it. You’re welcome!


  • Edit
  • Proofread
  • Edit summore
  • Proofread
  • Proofread summore
  • Publish



#BlogTour Author Kai Mann @kaiology #michlit #3dchicks #mwn

Welcome Readers to our Featured Author Blog tour for:

Kai Mann

Author of her second release: Abandoned Property.

Get your copy, click here.

Abandoned Property

Rating: Not yet rated.
Published: June 09, 2013
Words: 92,516 (approximate)
Language: English
ISBN: 9780984828135

Short Bio

Kai Mann is the author of 30 Day Notice and her newly published book Abandoned Property. She is an independent contract writer for as Detroit’s Best Friend Examiner, a member of the Motown Writers Network, and a contributor to the online poetry community. Kai’s purpose is to inspire thoughts pertaining to the themes of love, friendship, self-love, and self-progression.

Author’s Website

About Abandoned Property

These characters all have something in common; they’ve been abandoned.

Even though their issues of abandonment stem from some of the same situations, how they play out is different in nature.

Will they go to the extreme opposite to ensure that the cycle ends with them? Or will they realize the blessings in being abandoned by people who never knew how to care for them in the first place?

Get your copy, click here.


Starting July 8th all over the #MotownLit Network, we’re going to feature Kai Mann and her wonderful book. Read the rest of this entry