New Release: Check out All Your Secrets by C. Monet

“A secret’s worth depends on the people from whom it must be kept.” – Carlos Ruiz Zafon

Bryce Metchie is a tough nut to crack. After the way his ex-wife deserted him and his daughter, it would take a whole nother lifetime for him to welcome another woman into his heart. Still, one meeting with his new assistant Kelci Grey, time shifts. Suddenly, he has no reservations… until his secrets are threatened.

Kelci Grey is a journalist because that has been her family’s intention forever. Most of her life she’s tried to slow the grooming process for her to take over the family’s gossip magazine empire. When she lands a cover job as an assistant to a man who steals her breath, she thinks things are looking up. Yet when her family alliances are weighed against her heart’s confidant, the revelations may be more than anyone can stand.

When jealousy, family ties, and exes come to steal and destroy the happiness they both deserve, both will have to make a decision. Will Kelci and Bryce’s secrets bring them closer or rip them apart?

“Can I trust you?”
His words touched her soul. There was a slight hint of vulnerability in each syllable. Her mind screamed no. End this façade. Walk away but her lips parted and the word yes, fell smoothly off like a slice of butter. -Bryce

Meet the Author…

I’m Author C. Monet of Clarksville Tn. I write transparent creative romance with a splash of urban. My stories feature, smart, witty boss women and swoon-worthy, loving, flawed men all looking for one thing….. LOVE. Yes, you guessed it I write about love. My novels usually center around instalove, opposites attract, and redemptive love. However, I’ve been known to come up with stories that can’t be placed in a box. All in all, love is the motive no matter how it’s reached. My books will leave you full; full of love, gems, and pieces of me.

Once life started to happen for and around me I grabbed the pen and decided to unmute my truth. I pen love unfiltered and undefined because rules can’t exist with creativity. The poetry in my words takes you to a place filled with dreams and aspirations of love and how it heals the soul.

Join me in my journey by subscribing to my mailing list at

About @SylviaHubbard1

AUTHOR, MOTHER, SPEAKER, JOURNALIST, CONSULTANT & MORE! Divorced Mother of three, Detroiter, Sylvia Hubbard, is not only an award winning best selling author of over 28 books, but also founder of one of Michigan's largest interactive literary community, The Motown Writers Network/The Michigan Literary Network.

Posted on March 9, 2023, in Book News, Uncategorized and tagged . Bookmark the permalink. Leave a comment.

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